Sunday, December 13, 2009
Merry Christmas
...btw, to listen to the card, turn off the standard music for the blog by scrolling to the bottom of the page and pressing pause on the player.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Perfect Father's Day and Birthday
birthday. You guessed it, the big 27. Shannon made these pancakes just
to remind me :). What a perfect day! There couldn't be any better
gift for a birthday/fathers day combo than a new, beautiful daughter!
NYC BBQ Block Party (Madison Square Park)
Catching up on some posts. This is where Shannon and I were the weekend before Annie was born. It was a really good time and Shannon was an incredible sport to suggest and come along. The lines were long but overall it was worth it. It was a good time!
Presenting...Annie Thornton
Annie was born on Tuesday, June 16th, 2009, weighing 6 lbs and measuring 18.5".
Thank you all for your support and well wishes.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Annie in Town (Shannon's Friend not the Baby)
Monday, April 20, 2009
CAIA Exam Level II
good to be done with the CAIA program.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Shannon got hooked on Yogurtland recently and of course is trying to suck me in too. Honestly though it's really good. If you ever go get the Dutch Chocolate of the Cookies and Creme. The toppings are irrelevant. Tell them Michael sent you (they'll look at you weird and make you pay full price) but I'll feel good that you took my advise.
Tavern on the Green
In the Heights
Sine's who helped us win the lottery. The show was really good and
Shannon and I had a really good time. If you understand Spanish I'm
sure it's even better. Like most Broadways there are one or two parts that could be left out but overall it was a very good show!
Monday, April 6, 2009
FHE - Rootbeer Floats at the Mansion
It's also a great place to get desert. ...and yes, it was as good as
it looks :)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Almost Spring
the East River are fun again. We took a walk in Carl Schurz park. It
was beautiful! I love this weather and the park is a great place to
enjoy it.
Good Thai Restaurant
prices were reasonable and the food was good. Thanks to the Yorks for
inviting us on Saturday night before Priesthood session!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
New York Stroll
Shannon and I took a stroll around the city today. This picture was taken across the street from Madison Square Garden. Then I edited it with a new free app I got for my phone. It's a pretty cool app (as you can see the whole picture is black and white except for the Pepsi add in the middle).
Monday, March 23, 2009
Family Night Office Trivia
Nothing like Office trivia for family night. I'm proud to say that I won this evening, though generally Shannon has a way of pulling off the victory in this game. One of the many games that she's better at than me.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Week 26

I am so excited for spring to finally coming around. One of my favorite things about the spring are the flowers! They had some Daffodils at the corner store the other day and they were too pretty to pass by. We enjoyed them for a few days before they died. We can't wait until the flowers in the park start to bloom!
Dinner with Matt and Julee

I have been meaning to post this for quite some time now and lets be realistic, I don't really work so, I have no excuses! We met up with our friends, the Nieslen's, a few weeks ago for dinner at Olive Garden. We haven't seen them for about 4 months since they moved to New Jersey. It was so fun to catch up with them over dinner, and because you are at dinner with two pregnant women dessert is a must! We can't wait to see them again this Sunday and I look forward to her baby shower next Saturday! We are so excited to see what they have in a couple weeks!
Fun with the Yorks!

Lately we have been hanging out a lot with Yuhi and Shane York. Last Saturday we went to lunch at Dallas BBQ (I am craving it again...) and then we went and played in Central Park! We had a blast at Belvedere's Castle, walking around the lake and getting Starbucks! We couldn't ask for more fun friends!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Little Baby Thornton - Week 22
• Thicker, more lustrous hair
• Increased body hair
• Faster-growing fingernails
• Skin changes
• Stretch marks
• Skin discolorations
• Larger feet
Wow, what women go through for their children!! Way to go babe and keep up the good work :)
Friday, February 6, 2009

On Tuesday morning, Michael and I went to the hospital for the 20 week sonogram. The baby was all curled up and so it took about 45 minutes until they were able to tell us it was a girl. However, they were able to measure everything and get good pictures. We got to see her holding her hands, rubbing her eyes and( I am not gonna lie, it looked like she was picking her nose at one point). One of the coolest things was that after they measured all the bones they were able to calculate her weight! She only weighs 10 ounces right now, but will grow rapidly from now on. We are so excited to be having a little baby girl and can't wait until June!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Little Baby Thornton - Week 19

Well, the baby is about 6 inches now, from head to "rump." I'm also very happy that everything should now be proportionate, the ears to the head, the legs and arms to the body, etc. etc. Other than lots of growth, the baby is also starting to develop important areas of the brain, designating areas for sight, smell and sound.
It's so cool. Shannon is still growing, which is awesome. We're both really excited and having a countdown of sorts until we find out whether it's a boy or a girl (9 days from today!!!!!). We'll be sure to let you all know as soon as we find out whether we're having a Clarke Michael or Annie.
Hope you're all well. We love you!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
We're Watching...
Do you sometimes feel like someone is watching you? Bauer does. And rightfully so. Here is a picture taken just moments earlier. We have such a weird dog!!
Little Baby Thornton - Week 18